

  • Our cat toilet training system at The Cat Throne offers a unique and comprehensive solution. Unlike other systems, our product includes an all-inclusive toilet seat, cat seat, and trays that are designed to work together. This ensures a sturdy and secure product that prioritizes your cat's comfort and safety during the training process.

  • The Cat Throne offers your cat additional surface area, providing them with a sense of security and stability. You can choose to remove the seat once training is complete or keep it on the toilet, easily lifting it up and down for both you and your feline friend.

  • Unlike flimsy plastic ring training systems, The Cat Throne provides a solid and stable base for your cat. Our training buckets fit securely into the seat, ensuring your cat feels confident and safe during the training process.

  • Designed with convenience in mind, our system allows you to remove the training system effortlessly. Simply unsnap the bucket and place it on the tray, which acts as a catch for any litter spills. Unlike other designs, The Cat Throne minimizes mess and prevents litter from scattering all over the bathroom.

  • With our cat toilet training system, you can bid farewell to the hassle of cleaning litter boxes. Say goodbye to the unpleasant task of handling litter and maintaining multiple litter boxes.

  • Litter tracking is a common issue with traditional litter boxes. However, once your cat is potty trained on the toilet, you can enjoy a cleaner home without unsightly and dirty litter tracking.

  • Unpleasant odors from cat boxes can be a major concern. However, our cat toilet training system eliminates these odors, allowing you and your cat to enjoy a fresh and odor-free bathroom environment.

  • Our system contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. By eliminating the need for litter, you reduce your ecological footprint and help reduce landfill waste.

  • Using our system can lead to significant cost savings. With no need for cat litter, you can save a considerable amount of money each year.

  • The Cat Throne not only keeps your home cleaner but also promotes a higher level of hygiene. Say goodbye to scattered surprises, unpleasant odors, and unsightly litter tracks. Enjoy a cleaner, more hygienic home for both you and your cat.

  • Flushing the toilet once after your cat uses it is generally more water-efficient compared to regularly washing litter boxes or scooping waste. (Don’t worry, cats don’t flush)

  • Our system saves you time and effort. Once your cat is trained, all you need to do is flush the toilet. No more cleaning out and scooping litter boxes or dealing with constant vacuuming and cleaning.

  • The Cat Throne is designed to accommodate cats of all ages, sizes, and abilities. Whether you have a playful kitten, a wise old feline, or a cat with special needs, our system ensures their comfort and safety throughout their toilet training journey.

  • The Cat Throne is not only functional but also adds a touch of beauty to your bathroom decor. With its flawless design and timeless elegance, it creates a lasting impression. When the time comes to remove the Cat Throne, you will be left with a beautiful toilet seat.

  • Once your cat is trained on the toilet seat, both of you will experience a better bathroom experience. Your cat will be happier and more comfortable, and you will no longer have to deal with the inconvenience of litter boxes.

Product features

The Cat Throne system comes with everything you need for the best toilet training experience for both you and your cat. It includes the best toilet seat made in America, the Cat Throne seat that snaps onto the human toilet seat, and three varying trays that firmly clip into The Cat Throne.

Interact with the video to see all the features that come with The Cat Throne system.