I bet you have a lot of questions.
Here are some of the most frequently asked.

Cat stepping onto solid tray filled with litter on toilet

Every cat is unique.

Training is hard and cats struggle with the discomfort of flimsy plastic rings or slippery toilet seats. That's why we created the Cat Throne system.

It’s a revolutionary ALL-INCLUSIVE training system that quickly and seamlessly transitions your cat from litter box to toilet.

The Cat Throne system features a cat seat that clips onto a specially designed toilet seat. This Cat Throne seat has extra surface area and a non-slip texture that ensures your cat’s safety and comfort while training. We also include three varying litter trays that snap into the Cat Throne seat for fast training.

Whether your cat is a quick learner or needs more support, the Cat Throne's versatility allows you to customize the training process to their individual needs.

Leave the Cat Throne on for as long as your cat needs it. Simply lift it up and down.

The Cat Throne system is the best!

Hannah V.


“Is it environmentally friendly?”

Traditional litter can be harmful to the environment. It often contains non-biodegradable materials and contributes to landfill waste. By eliminating the need for litter, you're reducing your ecological footprint and promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Every small step towards reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices can contribute to a greener environment.



Colleen C.

“Will my bathroom be more hygienic?”

Absolutely! You can embrace a new level of hygiene and cleanliness when your cat uses the toilet. Bid farewell to scattered surprises, unpleasant odors, and unsightly litter tracks. With the Cat Throne’s innovative elegant design, your bathroom will stay clean and your cat will thank you too. Happy human, happy cat.



Barba O.

“How can I train my cat if there is only one bathroom?”

Barba, this is great question! There is NOTHING worse than going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, trying to remove flimsy plastic circles filled with cat litter. It’s a mess! My favorite part about the Cat Throne is how clean it is. Simply remove a bucket and place it into a tray. No spillage. Then lift up the Cat Throne seat and use the toilet. Fast and easy with no mess to clean up.



Catherine N.

“I have an older cat. Is it safe for him?”

Yes! The Cat Throne is safe for cats of all sizes and ages. When our cats get older, they will naturally have more challenges physically. In this case, keep the Cat Throne on the toilet. He will have that extra surface he needs to comfortably balance and feel safe using the toilet.


Lynn V.


“How long does the training take?”

It varies. The entire process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

Throughout the process, positive reinforcement is key. A young agile cat can master it in just weeks, or if you have a cat that needs extra help from the Cat Throne, simply leave it on. You can lift the seat up and down and share the toilet.



Tuck N.

“Will I save money?

Training your cat to use the toilet can save you hundreds of dollars a year, especially if you have multiple cats!

And no need for litter boxes. You won't need to buy, maintain, or replace litter boxes, which can save on initial costs and ongoing expenses.



Ava A.

“Does the toilet seat come with The Cat Throne?

It does. The Cat Throne toilet training system includes everything you need to properly train your cat. Using our special toilet seat allows the Cat Throne to snap firmly onto the human seat. Then the kitty litter training buckets will snap into the Cat Throne. This sturdy, premium product will allow your regal friend to feel safe while training.


Ian V.


“Will my cat flush the toilet?”

Nope. You are going to have to do that part yourself Ian. :)